Monday, August 15, 2011

The First of Many

Hello Everyone, and welcome to our new blog!!

Clearly, the kinks are still being worked out as we try to get everything put together perfect, so please bear with us if you notice a lot of changes happening at first.

Danny and I are so excited to start Starving Pen Magazine! It's something we're both passionate about, and we hope you enjoy all of are work. The purpose of this blog is to give you guys detailed updates of our progress and upcoming events and/or changes. We figured this will be a fun way to keep in touch and let you guys get to know us and the site!

We're just getting started, but here are some things to look forward to:
  1. Our logo! We're still thinking of ideas but as soon as we get it finalized, it'll be everywhere.
  2. The website! While we've got our twitter, blog, and facebook page (coming soon) set up, we're still exploring options of domains and websites to use. Once we figure out the best course of action, we'll be working hard to get the website up and running. Right now, our goal is to publish the first set of submissions on October 1, 2011. We have a lot to do, but we can handle it. It's not like we're busy college students or anything, right? Oh wait...
  3. Submissions! Starting in September, we'll be accepting submissions to the site for publication! Be sure to check out the website for our submission requirements. We're excited to read your work! 
  4. Tips & Tricks! The website will also have a page dedicated to all kinds of tips and tricks for keeping the creative flow....uh, well, flowing. This page will be full of all sorts of suprises, and possibly even interviews with authors and publishers! 
  5. Much, Much, More! Starving Pen will be an evolving magazine. Danny and I are totally dedicated to making this site a great resource for young writers who are trying to make a name for ourselves. So as the magazine grows, we'll do our best to meet your needs. To do this, we need your feedback! Be sure to follow us on Twitter, like us on Facebook, email us, and check back here frequently.
We fell in love with the idea of Starving Pen Magazine, and we hope you do too! So let's make a deal. We'll do our very best to keep you updated on our progress, and you start writing for our first publication. Deal?! Great!

Ready or not (but we totally are),

Did I mention how excited we are? Because...we are!

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